American Horror Story – Dominique
”Den sjungande nunnan, egentligen Jeanine Deckers, född 17 oktober 1933 i Bryssel, död 31 mars 1985 i Wavre, var en belgisk nunna, tillhörande Dominikanorden, som sjöng in en sång Dominique, som plötsligt gick in på topplistorna i USA. Hon uppträdde under namnet Soeur Sourire, men i Sverige blev hon känd som ”den sjungande nunnan”.” – Wikipedia
Soeur Sourire (The Singing Nun) – Dominique
”In 1961, the album was recorded in Brussels at Philips; the single ”Dominique” became an international hit, and in 1962 her album sold nearly two million copies.” – Wikipedia
”Deckers did not gain much from this international fame, and her second album, Her Joys, Her Songs, did not receive much attention and disappeared almost as soon as it was released. Most of her earnings were in fact taken away by Philips and her producer, while the rest automatically went to her religious congregation, which made at least $100,000 in royalties.” – Wikipedia
Soeur Sourire (The Singing Nun)- Dominique (Disco)
”Deckers ran into heavy financial problems. In 1982, she tried, once again as Sœur Sourire, to score a hit with a disco synthesizer version of ”Dominique”, but this last attempt to resume her singing career failed.”- Wikipedia
Soeur Sourire – Dominique (Techno Mix 1994 – Long Version)
”Citing their financial difficulties in a note, she and Annie Pécher committed suicide by taking an overdose of barbiturates and alcohol on 29 March 1985.” – Wikipedia
”Den gamla melodin har blivit ”pånyttfödd” sedan den förekommit i Tv-serien ”American Horror Stories”. Föreståndaren, som själv är svårt störd, ”plågar” alla intagna genom att spela den på grammofon oavbrutet i mentalsjukhusets dagrum.” – Wikipedia
Läs mer om den tragiska historien om Soeur Sourire, Jeanne-Paule Marie ”Jeannine” Deckers, på engelskspråkiga Wikipedia:
17 versions (10 languages) of Dominique by Sœur Sourire
Debbie Reynolds – ”Dominique” (The Singing Nun)
Sandler and Young – Dominique
Queta Garay – Dominique
Soeur Plus! – Dominique (Radio Mix)